(1) Yes No 疑問文
(Q) Are you an Japanese ambassador for India?
(A) Yes, I am, but I will be transferred to Hong Kong by the next year.
あなたは日本のインド大使ですか? はい、でも来年までに香港に転勤になります。
(Q) Have you finished the assignment allocated by the teacher?
(A) No, I haven't yet. I have been sleeping all day long yesterday.
(Q) Should we walk on that sidewalk?
(A) Yes, we should. Well noticed.
(Q) Does Tom swim with breaststroke fast?
(A) No, he doesn't. He is rather good at front crawl.
(front crawl) (crawl stroke) (free style)
トムは平泳ぎが速いですか? いえ、むしろクロールの方が速いです。
(Q) Did you practice butterfly stroke for the competition held next week?
(A) Yes, I did, and I did a flutter kick stroke drill at the end of today's training.
バタフライの練習しましたか? はい。それと今日の練習の最後にバタ足のドリルもやりました。
(Q) would you mind if I borrow your eraser?
(A) Sure, go ahead.
消しゴム借りていいですか? もちろん、どうぞ!
(Q) Would you mind helping me for a sec?
(A) No problem.
ちょっとだけ手伝って? まぁ良いよ。
(Q) Would you please help me with solving this question?
(A) I'm sorry, I can't do that right now. Why don't you try Brook?
この問題を解くの手伝ってくれる? ごめん、今ムリ。ブルックに頼んだら?
(Q) Have you ever been to Okinawa?
(A) Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
沖縄に行った事ありますか? はい。いいえ。
(Q) Have you been there since that incident?
(A) Yes, I have, only once, though.
(Q) Can you summarize this minutes by around 6pm on the next saturday.
(A) Yes, I can, but I want some help with finishing this task.
来週の土曜日までにこの議事録を要約出来ますか? はい。ただ、時間通りに完成させるために、少し手伝ってほしいです。